As of 2024, more than three-quarters (78%) of Baby Boomers have said they plan to stay in their homes as they age. Aging in place has become the self-proclaimed trend of remaining in your home, as opposed to seeking care in assisted living or relocating to a facility. It’s more than just a fad. As costs rise for care facilities, more people are trading traditional age-care for an accessible approach to in-home assistance. Here are some of the many reasons why in-home care offers the best of both worlds:

The Appeal of Aging in Place
- Familiarity and Comfort
Homes are filled with memories, personal belongings, and a sense of identity that can be hard to replicate in a nursing home environment. The comfort and familiarity that comes with being home impacts emotional well-being, this cannot be overstated. The concept of home also invokes physiological safety, which can be a monumental part of preserving cognitive and mental capacity. For many LifeCircles participants, we find that home relinquishes feelings of peace and comfort that can transcend into physical and emotional well-being, regardless of individual needs.
2. Independence and Autonomy
The freedom of aging in place is an element that doesn’t always come with an assisted living facility. Aging in place allows for independence and control over our daily lives. Unlike care facilities, where schedules and routines are often dictated by the facility, living at home provides the freedom to make personal choices about activities, meals, and social interactions. More than autonomy, living independently builds confidence and establishes a higher level of satisfaction and well-being compared to those in institutional care.
3. Better Health Outcomes
There is growing evidence that aging in place can lead to better health outcomes. The comfort of home, combined with personalized care, can reduce the stress and anxiety often associated with institutional living. Community or facility living also exposes residents to illnesses that might be circulating, which can be difficult to bounce back from and lead to more health concerns.
All of these elements can be minimized through the benefits of at-home care.
4. Customizable Care
With advancements around in-home healthcare services, aging in place has become more feasible for anyone with specific health needs. At LifeCircles, we know that every individual have different needs that don’t require relocation. Whether it’s meal prep, mobility, or hygiene, customizable care makes aging in place a reality rather than a possibility. By having professional caregivers, visiting nurses, and social activities tailored for in-home care, our participants have the authority to determine care on their own terms.
Rising generations are taking back what it means to age. At LifeCircles, we understand the importance of pioneering these experiences for our participants who want to age in place on their own terms. As society continues to shift, LifeCircles is joining the in-home movement of helping participants live their later years with dignity and joy. Aging in place is not just a trend; it is a testament to the desire for autonomy, comfort, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life at every stage. Our participants are showing us that the home is where the heart is, especially in their golden years.
The concept of aging is evolving with each generation. At LifeCircles, our mission is to be part of the forefront of change in the healthcare industry, championing our participants’ desires to age in place on their own terms. As societal norms shift, we’re embracing the in-home care movement, helping our participants live their later years with dignity, independence, and joy. Aging in place isn’t just a passing trend; it’s a powerful statement about the value of autonomy, comfort, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life at every stage. Our participants are showing us that home isn’t just a place—it’s where they can truly thrive as they age. By supporting this choice, we’re not just providing care; we’re honoring the unique journey of each individual we serve.