A participant in a wheelchair gets loaded comfortably with the help of a nurse’s aide for his ride home.
Senior transportation services are a significant part of LifeCircles operations. LifeCircles’ provides transportation to and from our day centers and to some medical appointments for the participants in our program. The drivers of our buses and vans are a crucial part of each senior care team. Drivers have a genuine interest in getting to know our participants. Our drivers spend a substantial amount of time with the people who ride with them. They develop supportive relationships that help the larger team provide great care. Each participant’s day begins with drivers and nurse aides greeting them with warm smiles and helping hands. Drivers joke and laugh with participant’s just as they would with any friend. The drivers console, encourage, and celebrate alongside of our participants.
Most of our new participant’s have had such a difficult time getting out of their homes in the past that they find it hard to believe they could easily come visit LifeCircles several days per week. Quality senior transportation is not too good to be true. Participants with all mobility levels are able to use our transportation. Our physical and occupational therapists work closely with our drivers and certified nurse aides to make a custom plan for our participants to safely exit and enter their homes. Each bus is wheelchair accessible, and either has a lift or a ramp.
LifeCircles PACE drivers are committed to quality & safety standards. They are diligent in completing daily inspections before heading out each morning. They assist participants to and from the bus, and ensure they are safely secured before they depart. Our drivers regularly go above and beyond expectations when responding to our participant’s transportation needs. Occasionally this means cancelling transportation because the road conditions are so poor that it is not safe to put the buses and our participants on the roads. If transportation is cancelled for any reason LifeCircles notifies the local news stations just as schools do when they close. Please look on the scrolling tickers or websites of WZZM 13, WOOD TV 8, and WWMT 3. LifeCircles has two locations, one in Muskegon and the other in Holland. One or both locations may cancel transportation so please look at the the ticker to see which location it is when planning your day. LifeCircles also has safety plans in place to connect with our most vulnerable participants on days with dangerous weather conditions to make sure they have what they need to stay safe and comfortable at home.
We wish to thank our local transportation team from Pioneer Resources for their dedication and hard work. Rain, shine or blizzard, our drivers are making sure our participants arrive safely to their planned destinations. When you see our drivers please offer them a friendly hello and a great big thank you for all that they do.
Last Updated on November 13, 2020