Empowering Healthcare Decisions

Empowering Healthcare Decisions

Empowering Healthcare Decisions: Securing Your Future and Bringing Peace of Mind Having a thoughtfully designed healthcare plan is like having a guidebook for the future. It enables you to make informed decisions about your health, ensuring your...

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A Positive Approach to Care

A Positive Approach to Care

Positive approaches to dementia can reduce stress for people living with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementias, and those who care of them. Learn more about how LifeCircles PACE utilizes the Positive Approach to Care model by Teepa Snow to...

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Memory Care at LifeCircles

Memory Care at LifeCircles

LifeCircles provides home based Memory Care to our participants. We want everyone to know that there are several steps that can be taken to make life worth living, even with progressive cognitive illnesses. It is important to help support people...

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What is Aging in Place?

What is Aging in Place?

There’s a common misconception that there are only two options for seniors with medical needs—living in a senior care facility or with family. For older adults who are living on a fixed income, this limited list may drop down to one option, since...

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Team Spotlight – Amanda Stanfield, CNA

Team Spotlight – Amanda Stanfield, CNA

More than a Job “A job is a trip, but a career is a journey.” Amanda Stanfield is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at LifeCircles PACE. She has been with LifeCircles for over six years and continues to make a lasting impact on everyone around...

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