Dear LifeCircles participants and care partners:
LifeCircles PACE is fully committed to supporting you and helping you stay safe and infenction-free during this time of worry and fear over the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that spreads very easily and can cause flu-like symptoms of fever, cough & shortness of breath. Elderly people are at the highest risk for sever complications, so we need you to help us protect you from infection.
Since the virus is very easily spread, our government is urging everyone to avoid public places, unnecessary travel, and to stay home! Restaurants are closed and all large gatherings have been canceled. Therefore, we are taking the following precautions to protect you, your family, your care partners, and our staff:
- Day centers will be closed until further notice.
- Transportation for medical appointments will continue to be provided according to individual medical need. Keep in mind that most routine specialist appointments and procedures are being cancelled by the specialist offices. We will contact you if you have a scheduled appointment during this time.
- Home visits may be limited. We will be calling everyone to talk about their come care needs and what we can do to keep people safe.
- Medications will be delivered to your home.
- All of our staff members will be taking their temperatures daily and anyone with a temperature over 99.6 will be required to stay home.
- Our team will continue to be available by telephone. Call us anytime you have any questions. We will also be checking in on you.
- Although it may be hard, you should not have visitors in your home. If we need to make a home visit, we will screen ourselves and may also screen you or your family members before visiting.
- It may be tempting to go to the store, but please remain home. Please contact us if you do not have family or friends who can help you get the items you need. We have team members available to help!
- Schools are closed. You should not be around children. Most children do not experience severe symptoms of COVID-19 and can therefore easily spread the virus to others.
- Wash your hands often, with soap and warm water for 20-30 seconds. Cough into your inner elbow. Don’t touch your face, eyes or nose.
Everyone at LifeCircles is working very hard to learn as much as we can about the spread of this infection so we can keep you safe and infection-free. We will communicate with you as new information becomes available. We will use voicefriend texts, phone calls, and mailings. By following our government’s directions and limiting social interactions, we will prevent the infection from spreading.
We have a wonderful community and there are many individuals and agencies working together to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are protected. Please do your part to limit exposure. Please call us if you have any questions. I am confident that we will get through this emergency TOGETHER!
Luke Reynolds
Executive Director