What is Aging in Place?

What is Aging in Place?

There’s a common misconception that there are only two options for seniors with medical needs—living in a senior care facility or with family. For older adults who are living on a fixed income, this limited list may drop down to one option, since...

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Team Spotlight – Amanda Stanfield, CNA

Team Spotlight – Amanda Stanfield, CNA

More than a Job “A job is a trip, but a career is a journey.” Amanda Stanfield is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at LifeCircles PACE. She has been with LifeCircles for over six years and continues to make a lasting impact on everyone around...

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Heroes of Senior Transportation

Heroes of Senior Transportation

Senior transportation services are a significant part of LifeCircles operations. LifeCircles’ provides transportation to and from our day centers and to some medical appointments for the participants in our program. The drivers of our buses...

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